As mentioned, I spent a fair amount of time in the gardens this weekend. I did not spend it solo: the kid was with me for most of the time. This isn't a new thing. She's spent significant time in the gardens before with me, but it hasn't been the most productive time spent as far as the garden is concerned. There've been a lot of "Honey, don't eat that rock" and "Sweetie, put that down" implorings flying around.
Well, things have changed. She's older, more task-oriented. She spent the last two days washing worms in the bird bath. "They need a soaking," she'd say, and she'd brush them with a paintbrush and a sponge. Then yesterday, she wandered from her task and started looking around the garden.
"What are you doing, honey?" I ask.
"Nothing. I'm looking around. I need a snack," she says. And she goes right over to the salad stuff and picks some leaves.
I think I have done something right in this parenting game.
You have definitely done something right. Very cool. And how nice of her to give the worms a bath. Or was she just washing them off to feed the chickens? Either way, thoughtful. It is awesome that spring has finally arrived and just overwhelming the amount of things to be done. But a good overwhelming.
Oh, she fed them to the chickens, too. And somehow there were more worms than when we began (or rather, more pieces of worms...) I am really glad she has no fear of them!
Your post reminded me of my son when he was young. While I was gardening, he would collect worms and organize them into families. He would take them around the garden and rather roughly deposit them in another place - all the while carrying on a running monologue about what each family was doing. I miss those days ... at 14, he prefers sleeping in.
I think you must have done an amazing job if your daughter thinks lettuce is a snack!
I am adding your blog to my garden blogs links.
Oh, wow, don't you love that??
The garden is what started my (then) little one digging and discovering. She'd squat down among the plants, digging with a stick till she, too, found earthworms, and lots of different bugs. She'd just sit there, hold them, watch them, sometimes add water and stir...and sing to herself.
You've done something right...there's a wonder that stays inside us once we've gotten at worm's eye level. Don't you love kids in the garden?? (never the same without them)
Perfect timing for your little one. Teach them young.
When I was young, my dad taught me that I could grow my own radishes and onions. Free food!! (Sorta.)
I was most impressed, and have been ever since.
I envy you your growing capacity. I have a condo patio.
Teach your children well.
Kate, Robbyn and CC: I so agree, kids belong in gardens. I learned in my grandmother's garden, and helped my mom a bit too. I want to keep it a fun place for her, and only once she becomes a surly teen will I *force* her to turn the compost heap and spread mulch as a character builder.
She's going to help plant radishes this weekend. I already primed her for her BIG TASK. "I need your help," I told her.
This post reminds of something my son asked a new friend this weekend. His question - What's your favorite vegetable? Answer was silence, I tried to help carrots, potatoes, broccoli. Answer still silence.
You are doing great!
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