Small frog hugging the barley straw
We just had two days of record high temperatures. And, like most places this spring it seems, there has been no rain. I wanted to tell this frog "Move over," as dang it was hot even for me, and I usually can handle a high mercury reading.
My husband's wish came true and we got both a lot of rain last night and a blast of cool air moving through today.
The frogs I am sure really do not care.
Very cool shot.
Yeah... it got hot here too. It didn't bother me but my plants wilted soemwhat seriously (and I'd just watered them). I watered 'em again. And ithen it rained all night.
Good stuff.
I love your frog. Each year we are so excited when a frog or two takes residence in the man-made pond. They are perfectly happy there until a snake comes along, and then it's dinner for him. I mourn the loss until the next warty tennant moves in.
Hank, did you at least sail this weekend? Some clear skies yesterday put me in the mood to pull some lines and yell at people. I figured this was universal.
Piana Nanna, thanks for stopping by! I am glad to meet another Michigander, especially one who gardens and blogs. And of course my own dear mother became Nana in by her granddaughter, so that's also endearing.
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