But Mama I Want One: this little hand snuck into the picture.
These are Paul's Pride white peaches. They're the first to come on the scene, though admittedly "the scene" usually starts a couple of weeks from now. We've had a lot of hot, dry weather, so the plants and trees are stressed. I thought this worked to my advantage when I canned some strawberry jam a couple of weeks ago: the berries were small and VERY fruity, making some beautiful ruby-colored stuff. And I guess I am not complaining overmuch that Peach Season has begun in earnest. These white ones are great to can, too. Better get the pots out...
Peaches! Even here in sunny California I have not yet tasted a good summer peach. I am practically babysitting my first ripening tomato. It's a beauty, for sure. I am looking forward to putting it "to bed." I will visit my local farmer's market today, and maybe find the peach of my dreams too. And eat it over the sink!
(Uh-oh, Moonbear: I bought some Kashiwase peaches the other day without tasting a sample... hope they're OK.)
El: I have to learn to can this year! My new-to-me pear tree is heavy with fruit I'll never be able to give away.
my mouth watered the moment I saw the photo!! drool! lucky you, go global warming!
Mouth watering photo.
I could go for a peach right about now. (I need to start living with some food around me.)
Your garden looks spectacular.
Nada: It's just seasonal envy...I was sighing over your tomatoes in December, as I recall.
Moonbear, I hope your trip was fruitful (har!)
CC: I have three words for you: Roasted Pear Butter. I made some last year and canned it, though the latter was rather futile as we ate it up so quickly. I will have to give you the recipe: very easy stuff.
Stacie: Go drought, is what all I hope for, though I hope it doesn't affect our apples...
Hank: Peaches, no cream...(and thanks to you I can NEVER think of that phrase without thinking of, well, HotLanta.)
You have peaches already? That is so not fair. The peaches on my trees are still little fuzzy rocks and will probably be at the peak of ripeness the day we leave on vacation in August. Those peaches look so yummy!
Now this photo is my idea of garden porn - what wonderful peaches, El. I hope they taste as good as they look!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
M, you have red on your tomatoes. So life in the garden is NOT FAIR.
Annie, yup, they were mighty tasty. I prefer some of the August yellow-fleshed ones, but there is something very magical about standing over a sink, smiling, slurping and dripping.
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