Sunday, September 16, 2007

Saturday was Apple Day...

Child labor

Time for a turn with the cider mill

Time for another turn with the peeler/corer

I swear most of my posts for the Eat Local Challenge seem to be all about the wonders of Products, not Produce. Here I am, shilling for cider mill and peeler/corer producers everywhere, but I swear my natural instinct is What Would the Amish Do. As it was, the mill doesn't work too well with our mostly juice-less McIntosh apples, but that peeler/corer worked great. We ended up making 12 quarts and 7 pints of applesauce, one small thing of apple leather, and only half a gallon of juice.


Carol Michel said...

This post sure brings back memories of going to visit some friends of my parents every fall to pick apples and make apple cider. It was always great fun and they made gallons of cider.

Carol at May Dreams Gardens

El said...

Carol, autumn is great for memories like yours. I hope my kid doesn't grow up to think fall=drudgery!