Photo-averse Me, in the uniform, with Our First Egg Ever last yearTracy at
Outside tagged me yesterday for this meme.
Monica tagged me for
a similar meme a while back, yet that one highlighted the odd things about you; I believe I revealed a preference for eating popcorn with a fork, amongst other "tendencies." Tracy's was (thankfully) NOT odd: she chose some gardening things to reveal, and I shall follow her example.
1. My only sibling, my brother Tom, is autistic. (I am his big sister and have always been his prime defender, and many a kid who deigned to pick on him ended up getting pummeled by me.) Autism is not a disease of cute but odd children: it is a life-long disorder, and it annoys me to NO end that the only stories you hear about it pertain to cute but odd children. Autism has marked me profoundly, too: like most siblings of other-abled children, I cannot help but look at the world through the rainbow that is the Autism Spectrum Disorder. I think, frankly, that we are ALL a little bit autistic.
2. Knowing about autism, then, I understand well the need for order and habits. Regarding my gardening, there are things I ALWAYS do, in a certain order, or else I kind of run around out there like a chicken with its head cut off. (And YES I know that chickens don't really do that, but most gardeners, especially in early spring, know EXACTLY what I am talking about.)
3. I love to garden, but hate the sun. I'm Irish, and the sun and I don't play well together. So I am usually almost completely covered, and covered in sunscreen, if I am out there. Otherwise, I furtively do my gardening in the early morning or the evening.
4. Perhaps it's from all those years in parochial school, but I can definitely see the purpose of a uniform. As such, then, I don a particular uniform when I garden, and I end up looking like a game warden. The shirt is a Columbia fly-fishing number with fun pockets and the ability to air-dry. The pants (YES full pants even in 90* weather) are a pair of men's Carhartt carpenter pants that are purposely big on me. A girl doesn't want anything to bind while she's pulling weeds, you know. But I definitely need a belt after all the stuff I put in its 100 pockets. A big straw hat and some wonderful boots round it out.
5. Boots, you ask? Why, I could write a book about
my Blunnies. Others have, but let me just say these Australian work boots are the bomb. They are lightweight, waterproof, breathable, and after 7 years they're a mess but they're quite recognizable as their true selves. Please note the double loop pull-on feature: this is KEY.
6. Garden tools. I feel nekkid without my
hori-hori and my flat fork and my
Felco. Thus, I need my belt to hold up the pants that hold the tools and keep me clean in the gaaar-den (sing with me now!).
7. Gloves. Must Wear Them. Lined in winter, the dipped washable kind in summer.
That got a little odd, but then, consider the source!
I would like to tag some other gardeners for this meme, and I will do so on your sites today... I apologize ahead of time if you've already played: I'm on extreme work overload here. OH AND DID I MENTION I HAVE PNEUMONIA? Maybe that'll be my 8th thing. I've felt sick for weeks and DING! the x-ray showed what I knew to be true. But I am not too sick to garden.